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I was born in Baltimore, Maryland. Grew up in Pennsylvania.  My father, a realist, civil officer, trucker, and knowledgeable of the Bible  taught me many things. Among those things was: "Perseverance. Be strong like a bull."  My Mother, my Step-mother, and my Grand-Mother were exemplary women in my life. Their wisdom and love made me a better man.


I am the youngest of three boys. I also have sisters. My brothers and I served in the US military, and so did my Father.  I am proud to say: "I served my country and held high the United States' flag. 


I am now in my 50s and married to a loving and professional wife. Everyday is better because I wake up to see my wife's eyes.  I have more than enough reasons to wake up everyday, go to work, enjoy life,  write, draw, sing, and play my guitar. 


All forms of art I create come from my heart.  I believe I have been given a gift. I hope you find it as intriguing and exiting as I do when I am creating it. 


I am blessed and grateful for a life with much love, creativity, prosperity, comfort, and safety.

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